


Located at the Uitkyk Farm in Wellington, Imbuko means 'Admiration for' in Xhosa and refers to the company's appreciation of South Africa and the giant steps taken being 'reborn' as a new country - vibrant and alive. This is the philosophy underlying the new Fairtrade range Rebourne after the successful steps of the previous Isabelo Fairtrade brand, which was celebrated as the World Best Fairtrade Wine in 2009.


 Since Imbuko Wines became a Fairtrade accredited producer, both Cilmor Edu Centre in Worcester and Uitkyk Créche in Wellington have benefited. In addition, Imbuko has embarked on numerous initiatives to become a valued member of the local community where the company is situated and most of its employees are residing. Through academic sponsorships and various other contributions, Imbuko Wines believes that investing in your community forms an integral part of a sustainable future for the company and the community alike.

Amongst the numerous projects:

  • establishment of the Cilmor Pre-Primary & Educare centre. Previously children had to travel quite some distance to reach a school;
  • sponsorship to children for sport events and educational excursions;
  • community centre for the elders. Elders are taught handicraft skills and various other recreational activities are organised, such as trips to the beach;
  • financial assistance to Kaegen Gordon, a student from the community who, thanks to the Fairtrade premium, is now studying at the prestigious Boland Agricultural College and hopes to become a winemaker

(The children at Cilmor Edu Centre and the créche, ©Imbuko)

(Kaegen Gordon, ©Imbuko)

FAIRTRADE WINES offered by Imbuko:
The brand Rebourne currently offers two wines: Rebourne Chenin Blanc and Rebourne Pinotage.

Where can I buy them?
Locally available at: the Rebourne brand is currently being launched on the market
Contact for local sales: Liezl Williams, ,