

Our producers are at the heart of Fairtrade, the ultimate reason why we are working and at the same time
the source of energy that motivates us to improve our work, therefore their livelihoods

In South Africa we currently have more than 60 Fairtrade certified producer organisations, and thousands of beneficiaries - including farm workers, their families and their communities. In Africa there are more than 230...and more than 900 in the world! Reading their stories is key to understanding the mission of Fairtrade: to promote fairer trading conditions and empower producers and farm workers to combat poverty, strengthen their position and take more control over their lives.


Fairtrade in the home of coffee
A story about Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union written by Andreas Späth

Location: Oromia state, Ethiopia
Fairtrade certified for: coffee




South Africa's Olympic Fairtrade winner
A story about Stellenrust Wines written by Andreas Späth

Location: Stellenbosch, South Africa
Fairtrade certified for: wine grapes



Kilimanjaro Native Cooperative Union
A story about the KNCU Cooperative written by Andreas Späth

Location: Moshi, Tanzania
Fairtrade certified for: coffee



For these farm workers, Fairtrade isn't just about the money
A story about uniWines Vineyards written by Andreas Späth

Location: Rawsonville, South Africa
Fairtrade certified for: wine grapes



"Without Fairtrade there was no future for us"
A story about the Wupperthal Original Rooibos Cooperative written by Andreas Späth

Location: Wupperthal, Cederberg Mountains, South Africa
Fairtrade certified for: rooibos tea


Video selection: The impact of Fairtrade on African Farmers
Location: Africa




Kuapa Kokoo Cocoa Co-operative
Located in: Kumasi, Ghana
Fairtrade certified for: cocoa beans

"We have taken our destiny into our own hands. Through Fairtrade and Kuapa we now have a lot of progress. We have good drinking water, toilet facilities and schools. Kuapa pays the farmers on time and there is no cheating when the cocoa is weighted." 
Comfort Kwaasibea, cocoa farmer more


Kavokiva Cocoa Co-operative
Located in: Haut Sassandra, Ivory Coast
Fairtrade certified for: cocoa beans

"We have been busy for years growing good quality cocoa for their chocolate. So if we are doing our best to give consumers the best quality cocoa, they should give the best possible price
." George Kwame, General Secretary of Kavokiva more


Heiveld Cooperative
Located in: Nieuwoudtville, Northen Cape, South Africa
Fairtrade certified for: rooibos tea

"A lot has changed. Now at the end of the week there is still money left over after buying groceries"
  Koos Paulsen, Heiveld Cooperative Member, 2009 more



COOPAC Co-operative
Located in: Rubavu and Rutsiru regions, Rwanda
Fairtrade certified for: coffee beans
Supplier of Fairtrade coffee for Bean There Coffee Company

Coffee production in Rwanda began in the early 1900s, but became especially important following the 1994 genocide, where coffee was used to jump-start the more


SOPACDI Co-operative
Located in: Lake Kivu, Eastern Congo
Fairtrade certified for: coffee beans

The premium we received is still small compared to the necessities, but it has already helped us with some basic needs. For the first time, we were able to get together and buy each woman farmer 3 kg of salt and two blocks of Tembo soap.Immaculee Nimavu Musangi, woman leader more


Also, you can download the newly published research Impacts of Fairtrade in South Africa (June 2010), which presents the impacts that Fairtrade is having in five certified producer organisations in South Africa, namely: Sun Orange Farm, Zebediela Citrus, Stellar Organics, Vuki Farming, and Eksteenskuil Agricultural Cooperative.

For more stories about Fairtrade producers all around the world, visit the Fairtrade Foundation's website!
